Evaluation of different models of access to misoprostol at the community level to improve maternal health outcomes in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Nigeria April 20, 2016 description
A randomized controlled trial of intramuscular versus vaginal progesterone for the prevention of recurrent preterm birth April 18, 2016 description
Effects of recruiting midwives into a family physician program on women's awareness and preference for mode of delivery and caesarean section rates in rural areas of Kurdistan April 18, 2016 description
Young maternal age at first birth and mental health later in life: Does the association vary by birth cohort? April 18, 2016 description
Effect of pay for performance to improve quality of maternal and child care in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review April 18, 2016 description
Perceptions and practices for preventing malaria in pregnancy in a peri-urban setting in south-western Uganda April 18, 2016 description