Conditional cash transfers and uptake of and retention in prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission care: A randomised controlled trial February 11, 2016 description
Induction of labour at term with oral misoprostol versus a Foley catheter (PROBAAT-II): A multicentre randomised controlled non-inferiority trial February 11, 2016 description
Group B streptococcus vaccination in pregnant women with or without HIV in Africa: A non-randomised phase 2, open-label, multicentre trial February 11, 2016 description
A literature review of quantitative indicators to measure the quality of labor and delivery care February 11, 2016 description
Sexual and reproductive health of young people with disability in Ethiopia: A study on knowledge, attitude and practice: A cross-sectional study February 10, 2016 description
Knowledge, attitude and practices: Assessing maternal and child health care handbook intervention in Vietnam February 09, 2016 description