Effect of life skills building education and micronutrient supplements provided from preconception versus the standard of care on low birth weight births among adolescent and young Pakistani women (15–24 years): A prospective, population-based cluster-randomized trial May 31, 2018 description
Inequalities in maternal health care utilization in Benin: A population based cross-sectional study May 31, 2018 description
100 Bold ideas to improve women and children’s health and rights in the developing world May 31, 2018 description
Cervical pathways for racial disparities in preterm births: The Preterm Prediction Study May 31, 2018 description
Periodontal condition is associated with adverse perinatal outcomes and premature rupture membranes in low income pregnant women in Bogota, Colombia: A case control study May 31, 2018 description
Birth preparedness and complication readiness among pregnant women admitted in a rural hospital in Rwanda May 30, 2018 description
Postnatal care utilization among urban women in northern Ethiopia: Cross-sectional survey May 30, 2018 description