Launch of mHealth toolkit to help innovators scale up projects for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health September 08, 2015 description
Global summary of maternal and newborn vitamin D status – A systematic review September 06, 2015 description
Role of the private sector in childbirth care: cross-sectional survey evidence from 57 low- and middle-income countries using Demographic and Health Surveys September 04, 2015 description
Empowering women or pleasing men? Analyzing male views on female condom use in Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Cameroon September 02, 2015 description
Meeting contraceptive needs: Long-term associations of the PRACHAR project with married women’s awareness and behavior in Bihar September 02, 2015 description
Self-assessment of the outcome of early medical abortion versus clinic follow-up in India: A randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial August 28, 2015 description