Socio-cultural factors, gender roles and religious ideologies contributing to caesarian-section refusal in Nigeria August 15, 2015 description
A qualitative study exploring perceived barriers to infant feeding and caregiving among adolescent girls and young women in rural Bangladesh August 15, 2015 description
Infant mortality and causes of infant deaths in rural Ethiopia: A population-based cohort of 3684 births August 15, 2015 description
Antiretroviral therapy in relation to birth outcomes among HIV-infected women: A cohort study August 15, 2015 description
Facility-based active management of the third stage of labour: Assessment of quality in six countries in sub-Saharan Africa August 04, 2015 description
Shameful operating room moments: Medical journal on calling out ‘dirtball’ doctors August 02, 2015 description
Caesar’s legions: The global rise of caesarean sections is being driven not by medical necessity but by growing wealth - And perverse financial incentives for doctors August 02, 2015 description
Attitudes and behaviours of maternal health care providers in interactions with clients: A systematic review August 02, 2015 description