Weight loss instead of weight gain within the guidelines in obese women during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analyses of maternal and infant outcomes July 24, 2015 description
Similarities and differences between WHO criteria and two other approaches for maternal near miss diagnosis July 24, 2015 description
Preventive effects on birth outcomes: Buffering impact of maternal stress, depression, and anxiety July 24, 2015 description
Pregnancy outcomes in HIV-positive women in Ukraine, 2000–12 (European Collaborative Study in EuroCoord): An observational cohort study July 24, 2015 description
Postnatal testing following gestational diabetes: Time to replace the oral glucose tolerance test? July 24, 2015 description
Maternal caffeine consumption during pregnancy and risk of low birth weight: A dose-response meta-analysis of observational studies July 24, 2015 description
Malaria in pregnancy: Challenges for control and the need for urgent action July 24, 2015 description
How women are treated during facility-based childbirth: Development and validation of measurement tools in four countries – Phase 1 formative research study protocol July 24, 2015 description
Fresh evidence confirms links between newer contraceptive pills and higher risk of venous thromboembolism July 24, 2015 description
Exposure to family planning messages and modern contraceptive use among men in urban Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal: A cross-sectional study July 24, 2015 description