Global elimination of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B: Revisiting the current strategy July 14, 2015 description
Effects of a parenting intervention to address both maternal psychological wellbeing and child development and growth in rural Uganda: A community-based, cluster randomised trial July 14, 2015 description
Effect of a behavioural intervention in obese pregnant women (the UPBEAT study): A multicentre, randomised controlled trial July 14, 2015 description
The Global Financing Facility: Country investments for every woman, adolescent, and child July 14, 2015 description
Good news on 'African solutions to African problems' in health: SMS, bike ambulances, and pregnancy hostels July 14, 2015 description
Muslim maternity trousers may pose medical risk, fuel "body-shaming", critics say July 13, 2015 description