Ethnic differences in postpartum weight retention: A Norwegian cohort study February 17, 2015 description
Report: Gross violations of women’s reproductive rights in NY prisons February 17, 2015 description
Acceptability and feasibility of a mobile phone-based case management intervention to retain mothers and infants from an Option B+ program in postpartum HIV care February 10, 2015 description
Development of an intervention to improve mental health for obstetric fistula patients in Tanzania February 07, 2015 description
Vaginal progesterone for the prevention of preterm birth in twin gestations: A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study February 06, 2015 description
Prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage: A comparison of four national guidelines February 06, 2015 description
What health service support do families need for optimal breastfeeding? An in-depth exploration of young infant feeding practices in Cambodia February 06, 2015 description