Missed opportunities in antenatal care for improving the health of pregnant women and newborns in Geita district, Northwest Tanzania November 15, 2018 description
Health and sustainable development; strengthening peri-operative care in low income countries to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes November 15, 2018 description
A first step to improving maternal mortality in a low literacy setting; the successful use of singing to improve knowledge regarding antenatal care November 15, 2018 description
A reassessment of global antenatal care coverage for improving maternal health using sub-Saharan Africa as a case study November 15, 2018 description
Two decades of antenatal and delivery care in Uganda: a cross-sectional study using Demographic and Health Surveys November 15, 2018 description
Impact of universal ART for pregnant and postpartum women on ART uptake and retention November 15, 2018 description
Women suffer more from disrespectful and abusive care than from the labour pain itself: a qualitative study from Women's perspective November 15, 2018 description
Counseling and referrals for women with unplanned pregnancies at publicly funded family planning organizations in Texas November 15, 2018 description
Disparities in Tdap Vaccination and Vaccine Information Needs Among Pregnant Women in the United States November 15, 2018 description