The spillover effect of midwife attrition from the Nigerian midwives service scheme April 23, 2018 description
Redesigning maternal care: OB-GYNs are urged to see new mothers sooner and more often April 23, 2018 description
Maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy and childhood growth and overweight: results from a large Norwegian prospective observational cohort study April 23, 2018 description
The 10 most common labor complications now vs. 1970 & what it says about health care April 20, 2018 description
Uptake of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria during pregnancy with Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) among postpartum women in Zomba District, Malawi: A cross-sectional study April 20, 2018 description
Pregnant moms and their offspring should limit added sugars in their diets to protect childhood cognition April 20, 2018 description