Validation of severe maternal morbidity on the US certificate of live birth March 22, 2018 description
Roles played by community cadres to support retention in PMTCT Option B+ in four African countries: A qualitative rapid appraisal March 22, 2018 description
Can a midwife-led continuity model improve maternal services in a low-resource setting? A non-randomised cluster intervention study in Palestine March 22, 2018 description
Maternal depression in the intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment and its sequelae: Testing postpartum effects in a longitudinal birth cohort March 22, 2018 description
Maternal mortality in Mexico, beyond millennial development objectives: An age-period-cohort model March 21, 2018 description
Does vaginal delivery cause more damage to the pelvic floor than cesarean section as determined by 3D ultrasound evaluation? A systematic review March 21, 2018 description
Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and behavioral problems in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis March 21, 2018 description
Maternal dietary diversity and growth of children under 24 months of age in rural Dodoma, Tanzania March 21, 2018 description