Contributor Posts

Making Outpatient Abortion Services a Reality

By: Janna Oberdorf, Communications Manager, Women Deliver Every year, an estimated 20 million unsafe abortions take place. And of all maternal deaths, unsafe abortion accounts for 13%. Imagine if we could change that. Imagine if we could make a…

Of Ideas, National Programs, and Innovations in Service Delivery

By: Saumya Ramarao, Senior Associate, Population Council Written by Saumya RamaRao, Population Council It is Day 2 at the Global Maternal Health Conference and the energy level has revved up as all participants roll up their sleeves to get down to…

Local Context Matters to Women's Lives: A Report from Delhi

By: Sara Stratton, Director, MNCH/FP Programs, IntraHealth International This post was originally published on IntraHealth’s Global Health Blog. To the business world, it’s location, location, location. Here in Delhi, though, at the Global Maternal…

I am 27, and I Am a Maternal Health Advocate

By: Janna Oberdorf, Communications Manager, Women Deliver These are two things I’m very proud of. I’m proud to be young (or at least young-ish) and passionate about women and mothers. I’m proud that when I see images of women giving birth in low-quality…

The LifeWrap: A First-Aid Device to Address Obstetric Hemorrhage

Recently the Maternal Health Task Force launched a new blog, GlobalMama, on Medscape that provides the vast MedScape audience with insights from the MHTF into the maternal health field. We are excited to introduce our first GlobalMama guest…

Making the Final Push for MDG5, Making Women Matter

By: Kate Dilley, Administrative Coordinator, Management Sciences for Health This post was originally posted on haba na haba, hujaza kibaba–and has been adapted for the MHTF  Blog One of the most salient admissions I heard during…