Contributor Posts

Live From the G8: 1,744,128 Voices Can't Be Wrong

By: Amy Boldosser, Senior Officer, Global Advocacy Program, Family Care International Amy Boldosser, a member of Family Care International’s global advocacy team, was in Toronto from Thursday through Sunday, for the G8 and G20 summits.  Amy’s…

Inside the Global Health Initiative

By: Tim Thomas, Advisor, MHTF Our friends at the Global Health program at the Council on Foreign Relations recently distributed a report of what they’ve learned about the new-ish US Global Health Initiative with a bias toward girls and women, which both…

Empowering Women Through the Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases

This guest blog post was written by the Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases staff. According to the new maternal mortality estimates recently published in the Lancet, 342,900 women die annually while pregnant or from childbirth. This is a…