mHealth for Maternal Health Series

mHealth for Maternal Health: Who Pays?

By: Bobby Jefferson, Director, Center for Development Informatics, Futures Group International; Gretchen Domek, Global Health Fellow, Colorado School of Public Health; Marc Mitchell, Founder and President of D-TREE International and lecturer on global…

Ifakara Health Institute

The following is part of a series of project updates from the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI). MHTF is supporting their project, Using Cell Phones for Obstetric Emergencies. More information on MHTF supported projects can be found here. Written by:…

Going Digital: Taking the Maternal Health Community Online

By: Janna Oberdorf, Communications Manager, Women Deliver The Global Maternal Health Conference has ended – and ended with a bang. The “Maternal Health Digital” panel closed the conference with exciting, new, and innovative ways for using technology for…

What Has Technology Done For You Lately?

By: Raji Mohanam, Knowledge Management Specialist, MHTF I recently attended the NTEN Annual Conference (April 8-10) in Atlanta, Georgia. NTEN (Nonprofit Technology Network) is an organization that helps nonprofits navigate the high-speed,…