
The Manoshi Project

The Manoshi project was implemented in 2007 to bring skilled care into the informal settlements of six major cities in Bangladesh, with a particular focus on women and children. Manoshi’s Community Health Workers (CHWs) provide high-quality ANC, delivery…

Dinajpur SafeMother Initiative Final Evaluation Report

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and UNICEF, have implemented the three-year (1999-2001) operations research initiative, the Dinajpur SafeMother Initiative or DSI – “a…

Picture Book: Preventing Obstetric Fistula

This picture book is designed to support health service providers and field-level workers in raising awareness among local leaders and the general population about obstetric fistula and engaging these audiences in the effort to prevent obstetric fistula…

Picture Book: Preventing Obstetric Fistula-Bangla

This picture book is designed to support health service providers and field-level workers in raising awareness among local leaders and the general population about obstetric fistula and engaging these audiences in the effort to prevent obstetric fistula…