
Lady Health Workers in Pakistan

The Lady Health Worker (LHW) Programme began in 1994 to reduce poverty and improve health. With 110,000 LHWs across the country, Pakistan has one of the largest cadres of community health workers in the world. Each LHW has a catchment area of about 1,000…

Dinajpur SafeMother Initiative Final Evaluation Report

Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and UNICEF, have implemented the three-year (1999-2001) operations research initiative, the Dinajpur SafeMother Initiative or DSI – “a…

Setting a Target for Maternal Mortality

This is a presentation from USAID on Setting a Target for Maternal mortality. The outline of the presentation is: What is the MMR—definition and data issues  Assessing plausible targets for MM reduction Historical trends in MMR Absolute target for…

Picture Book: Preventing Obstetric Fistula

This picture book is designed to support health service providers and field-level workers in raising awareness among local leaders and the general population about obstetric fistula and engaging these audiences in the effort to prevent obstetric fistula…

Picture Book: Preventing Obstetric Fistula-Bangla

This picture book is designed to support health service providers and field-level workers in raising awareness among local leaders and the general population about obstetric fistula and engaging these audiences in the effort to prevent obstetric fistula…