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El Programa de Coordinación en Salud Integral (PROCOSI)

El Programa de Coordinación en Salud Integral (PROCOSI) was founded in 1988 to improve infant survival, which was carried out through Bolivian NGOs and financed by the U.S. Government through USAID. Since then, PROCOSI has expanded its focus to reinforce…

Consejo de Salud Rural Andino (CSRA)

Consejo de Salud Rural Andino (CSRA) works side by side with clients – families, communities and organizations – to contribute to improving health and saving lives. CSRA is recognized as a pioneering organization that generates change in…

Centro de Multiservicios Educativos (CEMSE)

Centro de Multiservicios Educativos (CEMSE) is a social institution of the Compañía de Jesus, which develops education and health projects that contribute to local and national development through the model of CRPs, and coordinates efforts to improve the…

Centro de la Promoción de la Mujer (Gregoria Apaza)

The Centro de la Promoción de la Mujer (Gregoria Apaza) provide psychological services for women who have experienced psychological, sexual and physical violence, as well as legal services and family assistance. Other groups of women, men and youth…

Ayuda en Acción

Ayuda en Acción is a Spanish independent, non-partisan and non-denominational organization that works to promote structural changes that contribute to the eradication of poverty.

Associacion de Promodores de Salud de Area Rural (APROSAR)

The Association of Rural Health Promoters Area APROSAR is an organization working in rural areas of the departments of Oruro, Potosi and Beni, with the vision of preserving health in poor communities while respecting their customs and culture an emphasis…

Youth Vision Plus (YVP)

Youth Vision Plus (YVP) is a nonprofit in Nigeria providing services related to reproductive and sexual health/rights, HIV/AIDS information dissemination and management, career and vocational guidance/counselling, advocacy and micro-credit empowerment…

Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF)

Youth Empowerment Foundation (YEF)’s mission is the pursuance of overall healthy development of youth through mobilization and empowerment. By bringing information about HIV and AIDS, reproductive health and family planning to every youth.

Youth Action Rangers of Nigeria (YARN)

Youth Action Rangers of Nigeria (YARN) is a youth-led, youth-focused nonprofit promoting youth development and empowerment programs related to youth sexual/reproductive health, information technology and HIV/AIDS prevention among young people. The…