Situation Analysis of the Integration of Family Planning Services in Postpartum, Postabortion and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Programs in the Dominican Republic
A diagnostic study of the provision and use of contraception in postpartum, post-abortion, and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) programs in the Dominican Republic was conducted with funding from USAID’s Latin American and the Caribbean…
Situation Analysis of the Integration of Family Planning Services in Postpartum, Postabortion and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Programs in Haiti
This report presents the results of a situation analysis of the provision and use of contraception in postpartum, post-abortion and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services in Haiti. The Centre d’Evaluation et de Recherche…
Replication of the Community Mobilization for Postabortion Care (COMMPAC) Model in Naivasha District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya: An Evaluation Report
This report summarizes the key results emerging from an evaluation exercise carried out in Naivasha District, Kenya to assess the effects of the intervention package, known as the Community Mobilization for Postabortion Care (COMMPAC). This exercise…
Payments in the Public Sector for Reproductive Health Services in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
Informal payments for health care services that patients are entitled to receive for free are highly prevalent in many countries of the Eastern Europe and the Caucasus (EE&C) region. Research has also highlighted the widespread reliance on abortion…