Situation Analysis of the Integration of Family Planning Services in Postpartum, Postabortion and Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Programs in the Dominican Republic
A diagnostic study of the provision and use of contraception in postpartum, post-abortion, and prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) programs in the Dominican Republic was conducted with funding from USAID’s Latin American and the Caribbean…
Straight to the Point: Evaluation of IEC Materials
This “straight to the point” checklist will help you evaluate the quality of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials used in your program.
Straight to the Point: Evaluation of Behavior Change Activities
This simple checklist will help you conduct a “straight to the point” assessment of behavior change activities, focusing on issues like facilitation, language, and participant engagement.
Straight to the Point: Preparação de um Plano de Trabalho
This tool leads an organization or group step-by-step through the process of creating a workplan—from setting goals and objectives, to choosing activities, to planning timing and assigning responsibility—and includes a workplan template. Taking into…
Renforcement des Capacités Pour la Prévention et la Réponse aux Violences Basées sur le Genre: Description et Évaluation du Projet RESPOND/Guinée
Guineans and international observers alike were shocked by the political violence, including brutal rapes, perpetrated on September 28, 2009, following a political demonstration in a stadium in Conakry. The response at the time of the incident was…
Promoting Hormonal Implants Within a Range of Long-Acting and Permanent Methods: The Tanzania Experience
Hormonal implants are proving to be increasingly popular among Tanzanian women, according to national-level service statistics at public-sector health facilities. The reasons for this popularity include the hormonal implant’s convenience, ease of…