Pathways to perinatal depressive symptoms after mass conflict in Timor-Leste: A modelling analysis using cross-sectional data March 16, 2015 description
The effects of implementing the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy study groups criteria for diagnosing gestational diabetes on maternal and neonatal outcomes March 16, 2015 description
Causes of women׳s postpartum depression symptoms: Men׳s and women׳s perceptions March 15, 2015 description
The influence of childbirth experiences on women׳s postpartum traumatic stress symptoms: A comparison between Israeli Jewish and Arab women. March 14, 2015 description
A systematic review of the relationship between postpartum sleep disturbance and postpartum depression March 14, 2015 description
The role of shed placental DNA in the systemic inflammatory syndrome of pre-eclampsia March 06, 2015 description
The California Endowment funds a study of maternal mental health resources in California March 02, 2015 description